Kalidas Sen
Professor, FASc, FNA 
Ph. D. IIT Kanpur, 1977
Assistant Professor University of Hyderabad, 1977 - 1982
Associate Professor University of Hyderabad, 1982 - 1986
Professor University of Hyderabad, 1986 - 2013  
Professor Re-appointed    University of Hyderabad, 2013 - Present  
Phone: +91- 40- 23134809, E-mail: [email protected] 
Research Interests 
Density Functional Theory, Confined Electronic Systems, Chemical Applications of Information Theory. 

Selected Publications
  • Characteristic features of the electrostatic potentials of singly negative monoatomic ions, KD Sen, P Politzer, Journal of Chemical Physics, 1989, 90, 4370. 
  • Lithiated ammonia, amide anions, and ammonium ions. An ab initio study of structures, bonding, and energetic relationships, EU Wuerthwein, KD Sen, JA Pople, PR Schleyer, Inorganic Chemistry, 1983, 22, 496.
  • On the importance of the “density per particle”(shape function) in the density functional theory 
    F De Proft, PW Ayers, KD Sen, P Geerlings, Journal of Chemical Physics 2004, 120, 9969.
  • Characteristic features of Shannon information entropy of confined atoms. KD Sen, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005, 123, 074110.
  • Complexity of Dirac–Fock atom increases with atomic number, A Borgoo, F De Proft, P Geerlings, KD Sen 
    Chemical Physics Letters, 2007, 444, 186.