Biological Chemistry
NMR Spectroscopy, Physics and Biology of Biological Molecules
Abani K. Bhuyan
Bio-mimetic Catalysis and Molecular Therapeutics
D. B. Ramachary
Folding Pathways Proteins and Computer Aided Drug Designing
Jovan Jose K. V.
Protein structure and function; protein biophysical studies
Lalitha Guruprasad
Glyco-biology, peptide based drugs and synthesis of carbohydrate based vaccines
P. Ramu Sridhar
Biological membranes, lipid phase behavior, lipid-protein interactions, protein chemistry and structure, protein-ligand interactions
Enzyme Catalysis & Photo Biocatalysis
T. Saravanan
Inorganic Chemistry
Theoretical studies on Transition Metal Oxides and Sulphides
Jovan Jose K. V.
Synthetic Chemistry (Organic/ Inorganic)
K. C. Kumara Swamy
Synthesis of nanomaterials and metal complexes. Catalysis
K. Muralidharan
Organometallic Chemistry
M. Sathiyendiran
Bioinorganic, Bioorganic & Supramolecular Chemistry of Porphyrinoids
Pradeepta Kumar Panda
Functional Inorganic Materials
Samar Kumar Das
Coordination and organometallic chemistry
Samudranil Pal
Molecular Clusters & Magnetism
Viswanathan Baskar
Materials Chemistry
Ab Initio crystal structure prediction
Jovan Jose K. V.
Nanomaterials, polymers and high-energy materials
K. Muralidharan
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells; Functional materials for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Murali Banavoth
Porphyrinoids based Materials for Solar Cell & Near Infrared Diagnostics
Pradeepta Kumar Panda
Nano-Photonic Organic Materials and Devices
R. Chandrasekar
Molecular and nanomaterials
T. P. Radhakrishnan
Polymer Chemistry and Materials Science
Tushar Jana
Polymer chemistry
S. G. Ramkumar
Organic Chemistry
C-H activation, ynamides, energy materials, organometallics
Akhila Kumar Sahoo
Synthetic organic chemistry: Asymmetric Organocatalysis, Sequential One-pot Reactions etc.
D. B. Ramachary
Theoretical organic reaction mechanisms
Jovan Jose K. V.
Synthetic chemistry (Organic/ Inorganic)
K. C. Kumara Swamy
Synthetic organic chemistry, total synthesis of natural products and carbohydrate therapeutics
P. Ramu Sridhar
Synthetic porphyrinoid chemistry & high energy materials
Pradeepta Kumar Panda
Synthetic organic chemistry - transition metal and BrΦnsted acid catalysis, synthetic methodologies and strategies
R. Balamurugan
Organic Synthesis - Alkaloids
R. Nagarajan
Synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry, sustainable catalysis, privileged molecules, total synthesis
Srinivasarao Yaragorla
Organic and organometallic chemistry
Vinaykumar K.
Synthetic organic chemistry
V. Sridharan
Physical Chemistry
Ultrafast spectroscopy and Photophysics for Donor/Acceptor Interfaces in Solar energy materials
Murali Banavoth
Single-Particle Microscopy/Spectroscopy
R. Chandrasekar
Materials and Computational Chemistry
T. P. Radhakrishnan
Polymer Chemistry and Materials Science
Tushar Jana
Spectroscopy of surface and heterogeneous processes, nonlinear spectro-electrochemistry
Anupam Bera
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Theoretical and Computational aspects of Organocatalysis
D. B. Ramachary
Complex systems; Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; Nonlinear dynamics in biology
Debashis Barik
Developing Methods for Theoretical Molecular Spectroscopy
Jovan Jose K. V.
Computational aspects of protein structure and function
Lalitha Guruprasad
Computational modeling of materials and molecules, polymorph prediction, forcefield development
Manju Sharma
Susanta Mahapatra